This overview makes no claim to completeness.

Research in Germany
Are you interested in pursuing a research career in Germany? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here you will find lots of information about where you can do research and work in Germany as well as the various opportunities science and research can offer. more
Research in Bavaria
Are you considering doing your PhD in Germany, looking for a postdoc position, or searching for a professorship?
Research in Bavaria provides an ultimate guide to career, research and funding opportunities in Bavaria! more
Job offers
 The portal for life science specialists and managers in Bavaria - specific, regional and well-known. more
Career Development EMBL
Organised by EICAT (PhD and Postdoctoral Programmes) together with EMBLEM, the long-standing annual EMBL Career Day provides an overview of non-academic career possibilities for scientists from all EMBL sites and the wider scientific community. more
Fostering the flow of expertise from academia to industry
Join us at one of our events and get inspired by learning from the experience of young entrepreneurs and representatives from the industrial sector about the scope of advancement and development in the field of healthcare industry and biotechnology. more
One podcast that will give you hope and career advice (PhD required!)
What do an engineering manager of a high-tech company, a data scientist, and a digital evangelist share in common? About four years ago all three of them were freshly-baked PhDs making first steps from the familiar world of academia to the new and exciting world of industry and entrepreneurship... more
Passage2Pro is a company based on the inspiration and experience Tina draws from her own challenges during the career transition from academia to industry. Passage2Pro has in-depth knowledge about the major differences between the academic world and the surrounding labour market. more
Deine Monster
Hands-on career guidance for overthinkers:
How to get unstuck and transition from academia to industry, the public sector or self-employment. more
Science careers
Whether you’re an undergrad, a postdoc, or a faculty member, there are many ways to develop your career and build professional skills. In this section of the blog, you’ll learn about the myriad of career options in science and you’ll find advice on applying for jobs, developing new skills, mentoring, management, and more! more
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