Postdoc Appreciation Week
18 - 22 September 2023

Let’s celebrate and showcase the fantastic contributions of postdocs in Germany to research, teaching, administration and more! 

The Munich Postdoc Network teamed up with the Research and Innovation Services of the Leibniz University of Hannover (LUH) to establish the Postdoc Appreciation Week in Germany!

Together we have been collaborating with different research institutions, organisations and postdoc networks across Germany to offer a collective program with events and activities for postdocs during PAW. We are thrilled that many of our collaborators are equally exited about this initiative and look forward to what is yet to come.

Special thanks go to our colleagues from the LUH, Anneke Meyer, Britta Lesniak, Luisa Gödeke and Maria Leuteritz and to our Munich Postdoc Network board members, Neele Meyer (Helmholtz Munich) and Camila Hernandez Frederick (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry) for coordinating this remarkable initiative.


PAW 2023

The Munich Postdoc Network will host the following events during the 2023 Postdoc Appreciation Week in collaboration with our partner institutions:

Do you want to know more about the Postdoc Appreciation Week?
Check out the PAW website and the program for the PAW 2024, follow our X/Twitter account (@PAW_Germany), our LinkedIn page or get involved by joining our social media campaign! more

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